Welcome to Stronglife Community

God's Love Is Closer Than You Think


(which will connect you to God's inexpressible Loving-Kindness)

And UN-PLUG from THE FALSE SOURCE of deception, falsehoods, and misrepresentations, surrounding religion and your relationship with God?


Is this you?

I need to tell the truth and be forever free from the control of others.
I want to find the language to express my own religious trauma.
I want to "see" God and experience His True Unconditional Love.
I want to allow God to define Himself to me, personally.

You no longer have to feel empty, angry, guilty, shamed, disconnected, unloved, unaccepted, not good enough, misunderstood, distrustful, isolated, or unable to form deep connections with others, when you're...


The scattered flock of God's fold healing from religious trauma...

to re-frame our connection to God by...
UNRAVELING the Trauma,
and CREATING a New Story.



The TRUE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALING found in the Bible and other sources of truth and inspiration, including, observing the methods and techniques Jesus used with individuals.


👉 And FEEL a deep sense of true connection 
to Him and His inexpressible Loving-Kindness.
👉 ENJOY healthy relationships with proper boundaries.
👉 OVERCOME wrong thinking patterns that no longer serve us.
👉 And STEP into our personal mission and calling.


A private community.

24 Hour Access

Protected, Secure, & Safe

This is not Facebook.

No rabbit holes or endless distractions.

Instead, STRONG LIFE COMMUNITY is housed on a protected, secure, and safe community platform you can access from anywhere in the world by computer, or using the network app on your phone.
We chose this unique private setting so we can focus on important issues, safely, and without outside interruptions
We live in what some might call an INFORMATION AGE ON STEROIDS. There’s so much stuff out there! Books. Podcasts. Blogs. Webinars. YouTube. The list goes on and on. Pretty much anyone, anywhere can go out and get information on any topic at any moment.
BUT I realized there’s something magical about tackling a challenge or learning something new AS PART OF A COMMUNITY. Community allows us to achieve results and transformation we just can’t achieve on our own. It's the single best way to build new practices and change habits. THAT’S why we started this!

Religious trauma is also known as spiritual or faith-based trauma. 

It refers to the psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical harm that can arise from one's religious or spiritual beliefs, practices, or experiences. It occurs when individuals encounter distressing events or dynamics within a religious context that lead to long-lasting negative effects on their well-being.
Here are some common aspects of religious trauma: Authoritarianism, Guilt and Shame, Fear of Hell or Punishment, Isolation, Abuse, Cognitive Dissonance, Suppression of Individuality.
It's important to note that religious trauma is a complex and nuanced phenomenon, and its impact varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience religious trauma acutely, while others may carry the effects into their lives in more subtle ways.

Take this survey and see if you have any of these challenges.


Stronglifers gather at Basecamp.

...to be welcomed, learn about the community, express their thoughts, answer questions, chat, read spotlights about community highlights, brainstorm for the future, find their fellow travelers, and listen to stories.

Then move on to explore the different healing experience paths inside.

Stronglife Community has three distinct spaces.

Healing Religious Trauma
Common Sense Psychology 
Creative Christian Parenting

Inside these spaces are rooms.


Inside the rooms are events, calls, books, courses, quests, challenges, and more.

You can use the mobile app for an on the go experience.

We are a unique and varied team of individuals all here for our own reasons, with our own stories, and experienced backgrounds. 

WE ARE NOT trauma specialists, grief counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, psychotherapists, disorder analysts, or theologians. (But we welcome those that are!)
We're actually seed planters, principle teachers, educational guides, boundary mentors, habit helpers, victory celebrators, coaching collaborators, inspiration bearers, friends in Christ, and encouragers to ALL!
And just to simplify that... we're people just like you, on a journey of our own, towards freedom, hope, and a deeper connection with God. 
People who want to share what we've learned along the way, and grow together with those that have the same hopes and dreams.
We are here standing behind you.

  • Someone who has a story or struggle surrounding religious trauma.
  • Those who've witnessed injustices and misrepresentations of God and want to know how to approach it all.
  • People who have a need to tell the truth (and be seen, heard, understood, and supported) and be forever free from false indoctrination and teachings.
  • Those interested in having a conversation (a long overdue one) about our "Christian" concepts, education and experiences. Specifically, those who misrepresent "God's True Character" and may have caused "trauma patterns" surrounding their relationship to God and others.
  • People who desire a more genuine experience and a more solid framework
  • Those who want to be more connected to God and to others (with proper boundaries).
  • People who want to overcome old thinking patterns (possible traumas) that no longer serve them.
  • Someone who finds value in improving their own experience and being an example to those around them.
  • People who value learning from others life experiences and wisdom.
  • Those who desire to be in a community of like-minded people on a healing journey.
  • Those who appreciate a unique perspective or fresh approach from the "Status Quo".

I was living with fear as a core motivation for some of the decisions in my life, and I was tired of it. Boxed in by my own expectations of myself and the lack of confidence in myself (trauma patterns), I really began to feel the need for a big change. Now, having begun to grasp the truth about my connection to God, I have found freedom in so many ways I never knew I needed! I am free because God created me as a "free moral agent", and individual, capable of making my own choices with no strings attached. I have learned to love others and give them freedom too. Because life is about so much more than me. But I matter. And you, dear reader, do too. -Simone Farinholt

I am having some "light-bulb moments", or spiritual epiphanies, if you will, as I read these materials. It's very healing. I am finding healing by simply reading it! My soul is discovering that maybe healing really IS possible for me thru Christ. That maybe I don't have to be satisfied with the status quo. There have always been things about me that I just assumed I would never have peace about, traits that would never improve, even with God's help. As I read, it's like the Holy Spirit is right next to me, telling me that all of these promises, these principles, this *healing* is for me too, and nothing about me is a lost cause. -Tricia Williams

It's inspiring to not only be able to tell my story but hear other's life challenges and how they are finding peace and freedom. M. Harris

Our aim inside STRONGLIFE COMMUNITY is for you to experience a journey of TRANSFORMATION.

And have a little fun and adventure along the way!Experience Paths, Quests, Challenges, Courses


Start Here. End Here.

Our Experience Paths, Quests, Challenges, and Courses are unique and designed to take you from "The Starting Point," where you are now, to "The End Point," where you want to go. 
We take this journey together.

These healing paths are not ordinary courses intended to load you with more information, instruction, intellectual knowledge, and rules to follow. 


They are designed with short, to-the-point lessons and small steps of action to take along the way. In just a few minutes a day you can experience the transformation you desire as you move towards freedom. 


The Path To A Healthy Relationship With God

True Compassion - True Knowledge - True Experiences
This healing path will help you to unravel your religious trauma story, instill the truth, and create a new story for your life.
It takes you on a journey of freedom from the indoctrination of man and the trauma patterns it creates, to a deeply connected experience with God and those around you. 
The aim of this path is to find freedom to use the individual gifts and talents God created in you, and help you live a meaningful life, with purpose.

This path is coming soon.


The Path To Finding Freedom

The Mind-The Heart-The Spirit
This path will help you dive deeper into the concept and principles of Common Sense Psychology™ and how to apply them to your life.
It takes you on a journey of discovering the "True Principles" of Psychology found in the Bible and other Inspired Writings. 
The "Will" and decision making will be covered, and how to use your "gifts" or "mind faculties" for good. The mind, thoughts, feelings, actions, habits, character, and destiny are explored.
The aim of this path is to discover a Biblical escape route for breaking free from uncertainty and emotional stress to find freedom, improved relationships, new habits, and a balanced life.

This path is available now.


The Path To Healthy Families

This path will help you gain tools to best Understand, Connect and Relate with Children as you impact their lives.
It takes you on a journey of authenticity, faith and adventure as you heal the child within while relating to the children around you from a healthy space. 
The aim of this path is to equip you to 'be the teacher you needed when you were younger.'

This path is available now.


Own Your Voice. Honor Your Story. Thrive!

This path will help you recognize the importance of your own story as you hear Faith Gor tell hers.
It takes you on a journey of hope, understanding, compassion, and gentle recovery.
The aim of this path is to understand how deeply loved you are, and to help you see, you are not alone. Faith shares how God took her feeling of brokenness and turned it into beauty, and how He took what others may have mistaken as trash, and created beautiful works of art instead.

This path is available now.


The Path To Helping Others

Observing Jesus Working With Individuals
This path will help you understand the ways Jesus served individuals and the "Methods and Techniques" He used.
This is our STRONGLIFE Certification Program and is a 12 month program.
It takes you on a journey of understanding the sensitive nature of Jesus, and how He honors and respects each person as an individual, with their own special needs, throughout history and today.
The aim of this path is to see the "Methods and Techniques" Jesus used to heal people and give them hope, and apply them in your own experience, relationships, and connections to others, as well as,  equip you to be a "Life Coach" and "Teacher".

This STAND ALONE experience is targeted to be released in Fall 2024.


Get coached on your own personal life situations.

These coaching sessions are the highlight of the week inside STRONGLIFE COMMUNITY, and the most valuable part of our interaction together.


Imagine 90 Days From Now

After walking the experience path of "HEALING RELIGIOUS TRAUMA", Debra's Signature Course, which includes weekly group coaching.
  • You have a deeper and more direct connection to God, His Inspiration, and His Providential Leading, and are moving forward in your life with the right kinds of motivation fueling your experience.
  • You truly understand the impact of becoming "free" in your life and have gained an awareness that helps you look at your life honestly, and with grace, mercy, and love.
  • You understand the "True Principles" that govern you and your relationship to God and others, and you know how to apply them to your own experience for the rest of your life.
  • You know what the True Science of Salvation is and how you connect and cooperate with God through His Power and Love.
  • You've discovered Jesus' "Methods and Techniques" and you understand how He works in your own life making it possible to help others using the same wholesome and unique approach.
  • Your life experiences are more genuine and you're making authentic connections with others.
  • You see a true transformation in your own life and understand how this process is moving you forward into a real life purpose mission using your God-given gifts and talents.

Come all the way in. 

Sit all the way down. 

Stay awhile.


The Stronglife Team
The Community Discussions & Chats
The Experience Paths, Quests, Challenges, Courses, & Books
The LIVE Events
The Coaching Calls
Like-Minded People On The Same Journey


Normally $39.00/month

Right now👉 $29.00/month

Contact Us At: [email protected]

Scholarships are now available for those experiencing financial hardship (see plans below).

How do I know if this community is really for me?

If you or someone you know wants to break free using a reliable Biblical escape route from uncertainty and emotional stress to find freedom, improved relationships, new habits, and a balanced life, you're in the right place.
If you or someone you know has experienced spiritual abuse of any kind, you're in the right place
If you want to know how to help and support those healing from spiritual abuse, and the trauma patterns that follow, you're also in the right place.
If you or someone you know wants to become a creative christian parent or leader, you're also in the right place.
Lastly, if you or someone you know wants to coach and teach others, you're definitely in the right place.

Things to help you.

Most people that come to this community have read Debra's book...

HE IS ENOUGH - My journey of overcoming generational spiritual abuse and religious trauma.

And taken the mini-course...

TRUTH OVER TRADITION - A Roadmap To Recovering From Religious Trauma. 

In case you missed these helpful resources, I've linked them here.

Read The Book👉 HE IS ENOUGH

They're Free!

Welcome to the community designed to set you on a proven and recognized path of true freedom and genuine transformation.

Come on in. We're waiting for  you.